What are the technical requirements for running a Synaptron node?

Windows 10 or above, Linux 64bit (Ubuntu 22.04) ​

4 Core CPU​


CUDA Compatible NVidia GPU (Min 6.1 (4 GB min) based on the Nvidia Compute Capability Index (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus))​

250 GB free storage SSD / NVMe​

Good unlimited internet connection​

Usage of multiple GPUs not supported

Tier 1:

4-6 GB VRAM​

Examples of cards within range: 1050 (75W), 1060 (120W), ​2050(45-70W), 2060 (160W)​, 3050 (70W)

Tier 2:

8-16 GB VRAM​

Examples of cards within range: 1080ti (250W), 2080ti (250W), 4060 (160W)

Last updated