Timpi's Knowledge Base
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Timpi's Knowledge Base
Timpi Overview
What is NTMPI and why is the token called Neutaro (NTMPI) and not Timpi?
Last updated
10 months ago
What is NTMPI and why is the token called Neutaro (NTMPI) and not Timpi?
What is Timpi’s Tokenomic structure?
What are the official exchanges Timpi is currently listed on?
How do I buy NTMPI on OraiDex?
How do I buy NTMPI on Bitmart?
How do I buy NTMPI on Osmosis?
How do i stake on Timpi’s liquidity pool on the OraiDex?
How do i stake NTMPI to a Validator on Neutaro?
What rewards do I get from staking NTMPI to a Neutaro validator?
How do I set up a validator node on Neutaro